I couldn’t find a way to run a multi table SQL River but only on a single (or a sub list of tables) from the list of the tables?
I couldn’t find a way to run a multi table SQL River but only on a single (or a sub list of tables) from the list of the tables?
Hi Amit,
In a multi-table river, you can select which tables you want to load by using the checkboxes:
If you only select one, only that one will load.
Let me know if this answered your question - happy to help further.
Hi Taylor, thanks for the replay.
I know this configuration, but I’m tring to load a single time without changing the configuration of the river.
I can always copy the river and customize it but I’m looking for a simple way to just refresh a single table.
Ah, I see! Thanks for the clarification.
Currently yes, you would have to either update the configuration or copy the river to use a separate configuration.
This is great feedback however and I will create a feature request internally to add the ability to just trigger a single table from inside of a multi-table river where multiple tables are already selected.