Qualtrics API - Pulling Survey Responses

For each Survey ID or group of Survey IDs with the same schema, use the instructions below to extract your Qualtrics data!

What you’ll need to set up:

  • 3 Action Rivers
  • 1 Multi-Action
  • 1 Source to Target River

3 Action Rivers

  • Action River 1: Start Response Export
    • Configure your API call in the Request tab.
    • In the Results tab, store the returned progressId as a variable to pass through to Action River 2.
  • Action River 2: Get Response Export Progress
    • Configure your API call in the Request tab, passing through the progressId variable in your API URL.
    • In the Results tab:
      • Store the returned status and fileId in variables.
      • Under the Advanced Option section, set up the call to loop through until the status value returned is “complete”
  • Action River 3: Get Response Export File
    • Configure your API call in the Request tab, passing through the fileId variable in your API URL.
    • In the Results tab, configure your results output.

Multi-Action River

  • Create a Multi-Action River that links each Action River above in series:

Source to Target River

  • Set up a Source to Target river with your Multi-Action River as your source (with the surveyId as your input variable) and S3 or Athena as your target.
  • In the Schema Tab, run Auto Mapping.
  • In the Settings tab, set the schedule for the river and a timeout threshold - I strongly suggest the latter since the 2nd Action River will continually send GET requests at the frequency you define until the result is successful and you might want this process to be killed if it takes longer than expected.
  • Save and run your River!