Mongo Data Mapping Ignoring Sub Document Key Selection

I setup a Mongo connection (Legacy River) with my users collection. In our collection we have a key “auth” which has two keys “username” and “password” among other things like “mfa”. In the data mapping section I added auth as an Object type and added username as a sub mapping of type String. However when I run the river to my s3 bucket I get both username and password in the auth field of the export.

I’m not getting “mfa” which is good but its not ensuring I only get username from auth and instead I’m getting both username and password.

Hi @pbadmin!

thanks for your post.

when mapping, are you manually mapping or did you choose ‘automapping’ option? With this option, Rivery will auto-detect the full schema.

Also, is s3 your final target, or do you aim to use a data warehouse after staging there? If a DWH is your final target, any fields not mapped will be filtered out once they land in the DWH target table.
