Welcome to the Rivery Community!

Welcome! This community is a place for all members of the Rivery ecosystem to come to ask, learn, and collaborate on their experiences with the tool.

Who is it for?
Rivery customers, partners, prospectives, employees. Anyone with an interest in Rivery.

What can you find here?
Forums relating to support/troubleshooting, FAQs, Rivery knowledge and uses cases, feature and data source releases.

Is this forum for costumer support?
The Rivery Community is not Rivery Customer Support. If you experience an error/bug you would like to troubleshoot with Support, contact helpme@rivery.io to create a ticket.

Topics in the Rivery Community are segmented into different categories:

Discussions: Ask and discuss questions that arise from working with the Rivery platform.
Knowledge: Discuss best practices and find tutorials for common use cases and FAQs.
Ideas: Post new ideas and recommendations for the product.
News: Updates on new features, data connectors, and API upgrades.

Are you a new user? Create an account!
Click ‘Sign Up’ on the top right of your screen and follow the prompts to create a Rivery Community account. Once you have created an account, you can post topics and interact with existing topics on the Community.