Just running our first CDC river from Postgress and running into some permissions issues that we can’t figure out as our user has all the permissions we thought already so not sure what is missing. This is the log snippet:
2024-01-26T16:41:29.844,error,“Error message got from cdc connector: CDC Connector Error: error :failed to create publication: ERROR: permission denied for database engine_rch (SQLSTATE 42501) raised when start listening to consumer: of type required restart will require restart recoverable error ,retryable error, will close the current context and try to Run()”
2024-01-26T16:41:29.843,info,“Connector 6418c6dfddeff6000faad222_65b2c0161afc669907b70886_source status Failed, as waited”
2024-01-26T16:41:29.821,info,Getting status of connector 6418c6dfddeff6000faad222_65b2c0161afc669907b70886_source
2024-01-26T16:41:29.820,info,Check cdc connector V2 status.