Create An Alert "On Failure" Notification Dedicated Slack Channel

Have you ever wondered if there is a way to create a dedicated Slack channel that will notify you when a River had been failed? Good news! It is completely doable and will only take you a few minutes to create it!

*Prerequisite - Slack Paid plan

Steps -

  1. In your Slack application, create/decide about a dedicated channel that you wish to receive your alert on failure notifications (In our example the “rivery-river-failure-alert” is the channel’s name)

  2. Open the channel you’d like to send an email to

  3. Click on the channel or member name(s) in the conversation header -

  4. Click the Integrations tab and Select Send emails to this channel -

  5. Click on the Get Email Address button

  6. Copy the channel’s dedicated email address

  7. After creating a channel’s dedicated email address, go to your Rivery console’s Variables tab and add the copied address to the {Mail_Alert_Group} variable -

  8. Make sure that the “On Failure” notification contains the {Mail_Alert_Group} variable -

  9. Test the process by deliberately failing a specific River. If you set the process correctly, the mail alert will appear in your dedicated channel -

That’s it! your River alert on failure channel is set!