ZIP on SFTP => Snowflake

Thank you very much for your answer and very good tip about a looping, @taylor.mcgrath !

The upload as one table - works. But logic step is in not possible in our case. The prozessing with creating different tables assumes there is a differentiator, which can be used in the variable.
But for the files like this (s. below) there is no differentiator.
File 1
| ID | Name |
| 1 | Anton |
| 2 | Boris |
| 3 | Chris |

File 2
| ID | Manu |
| 1 | Audi |
| 2 | Ford |
| 3 | Mazda |
As one table there is everything in one table like this (s. below) and it is not possible to find out the original context.

| ID | Name |
| 1 | Anton |
| 2 | Boris |
| 3 | Chris |
| 1 | Audi |
| 2 | Ford |
| 3 | Mazda |

If it could be possible to read the metadata during the upload, as file-name or file-number (1,2,3…). Hier was a related topic, where “short-term roadmap” was stated: SFTP->Snowflake: get source (file) name
How long could it take?